MKE Week 3: Subtle Changes

I’ve been trying to take note of any changes since starting the MKE and two things

1. Just like it says in scroll I,  the mornings are easier. I jump out of bed, ready to tackle the day instead of hitting the snooze alarm 10 times.

2. More opportunities seem to come my way, or at least I’m more aware of them and am ready to take them on. One that I jumped on just this week increased my revenues approx 20%

5 thoughts on “MKE Week 3: Subtle Changes

  1. Hi Ken, I am also experiencing subtle changes such as jumping out of bed in the morning, feeling excited about what my day has to offer. I believe it will just keep getting better & better. 🙂 Great blog post by the way!


  2. That’s awesome, Ken! In only 3 weeks you’re already seeing more opportunities! A wonderful breakthrough. Just think of all the other possibilities that are a head of you. It’s exciting!


  3. KEN! Wow! I’m so excited for you… I’m inspired that you’ve noticed the 2 things that have changed. Isn’t it wonderful to notice the improvement in our lives!

    Well Done!


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